Frequently Asked Questions
What is BrownConnect?
BrownConnect is a program of career supports managed by the Center for Career Exploration in partnership with Alumni Relations through the Division of Advancement.
For undergraduates: BrownConnect is part of the Center for Career Explorations’s suite of services. BrownConnect serves first years, sophomores and juniors who are seeking high-quality internships and research opportunities. BrownConnect provides “one stop shopping” for internship and research opportunities in a wide range of fields and geographical locations, as well as financial support to students in low-paid or unpaid internships. Students are able to search BrownConnect for internships, research opportunities, and funding offered through and for the Brown community.
For all alumni and students: BrownConnect puts the power of the Brown alumni network at your fingertips. The student-alumni and alumni-alumni connections available within BrownConnect serve as a digital resource to help you build your network, get advice from fellow Brunonians in your industry, and create career connections. This professional online networking platform is a complement to the alumni directory, which has more of a social relationship focus.
Why BrownConnect?
President Paxson's Building on Distinction: A New Plan for Brown calls for increased opportunities for the Brown community to come together. By first providing a way for undergraduates to access internships , research opportunities and the career knowledge of Brown alumni, BrownConnect helps students enhance their on-campus learning and enables them to make better, more informed career choices after graduation. BrownConnect also serves as a platform for alumni to network with fellow Brunonians and build connections based on work experience, professional field, location, company or other networking interests.
BrownConnect unifies the alumni community by offering a central site through which participants can expand their professional networks while also reaching back to post internships and research opportunities for Brown undergraduates.
Who oversees BrownConnect?
An initiative of President Paxson's, BrownConnect is sponsored by the Dean of the College Office and the Alumni Relations Office.
Overseeing the initiative is the Center for Career Exploration, the Office of Alumni Relations, the President's Advisory Council on Internships, and a University Steering Committee.
I'm having trouble logging in. Who can help me?
Call 401-863-9662 or email During the academic year, the helpline is open during regular business hours and on Sunday through Thursday evenings; this page will always display the current schedule.
How can I get involved?
The power and success of BrownConnect comes from the Brown community.
Your first step is to make sure your Alumni profile is up to date. That simple step makes you accessible to both students and alumni for their career exploration.
How can I help Brown undergrads?
Offer an internship: Post an internship via the website. For more information, please contact Aixa Kidd, Director of BrownConnect in the Center for Career Exploration. Members of the Brown community who want to offer internships to Brown students can submit opportunities through the BrownConnect website, or they can contact a member of the BrownConnect staff directly.
Give to BrownConnect: Members of the Brown community can give to the BrownConnect financial assistance program through the Brown Annual Fund. To learn more about ways to support BrownConnect, please contact Aixa Kidd, Director of BrownConnect in the Center for Career Exploration.
Financial assistance in the form of LINK awards, UTRAs and summer earnings waivers is available for internships that students find through BrownConnect or on their own. This financial assistance is provided through the generosity of Brown alumni, parents and friends who are committed to making internships and research opportunities accessible to all students.
How can I help both alumni and students?
Be a resource: As a member of this site, you are making yourself available to students and alums who have career related questions. When you receive an email from a BrownConnect user, we ask that you kindly respond within 24-48 hours. Brunonians of all ages are eager to learn from your experience.
Host a Networking Event or Participate in Career Preparation Programs: Through technology, events and Center for Career Exploration programming, more students, alumni, parents and friends of the University can get connected for valuable mentorship and career advice.
To sponsor an event for students and/or alumni in your town and/or participate in Center for Career Exploration programs on campus, please contact Johanna Hussey, Assistant Director, Engagement Programs in the Office of Alumni Relations.
What kinds of internships can I offer on BrownConnect?
Internships should offer students challenging and engaging experiences. We suggest an eight-week position (June-July) with minimum pay of $3,500 (based on 35-40 hours per week).
For additional guidelines, please also see:
When is the best time of year to post opportunities?
The best time to post summer internships is between October and March. Most interviews for summer internships happen from February through April.
Can I post unpaid internships?
Yes, but unpaid internships at for-profit organizations should be consistent with the six criteria for internships defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act. Paid internship positions typically receive more applications than unpaid internship postings.
Can I post more than one internship?
Yes, please post as many student opportunities as you have available.
What if I don't get any response to my internship posting?
Students will receive information about your BrownConnect posting through career and peer advisors, academic departments, campus newsletters, and social media outreach. Every effort will be made to promote your opportunity so you receive applicants. If you have questions at anytime during the posting process, please contact Aixa Kidd, Director of BrownConnect.
If I need help developing my internship, who do I contact?
We recommend starting with the U.S. Employer Guide which features links to various tools of development for your opportunity. Feel free to contact the BrownConnect team at for assistance at any time.
How do I contact alumni through BrownConnect?
After logging in, type your search criteria into the search box and press the search icon. A list of alumni matching your criteria will appear. Once you click a name, click the envelope icon, which opens an email window. Compose your email, then click Send.
How do I update my old career information that is displayed in BrownConnect?
Update your Alumni profile. Your updates will appear in BrownConnect within 3 business days.
Can't BrownConnect just pull my work history from LinkedIn?
Not right now, but we will pursue this! In the meantime, please add the URL of your LinkedIn profile to your business contact information. (Scroll down to the Social Media section.)
How does Brown safeguard the privacy of my information?
In several ways:
- Access to BrownConnect is granted only to students, alumni, and authorized staff who support the platform. A secure password is required to access the site.
- The Terms of Service, which you can access by clicking the Settings icon, clearly state that using information from BrownConnect to promote products, services, businesses, political causes, or fundraising IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Violation of this policy is grounds for immediate termination of access to BrownConnect, at Brown University’s sole discretion.
- Your email address is not visible in BrownConnect. When alumni reach out to you around career topics, they do so through the platform.
- Through settings in your Alumni profile, you can decide what is—and is not—visible in your Alumni Directory listing. Those same profile settings are are honored in BrownConnect.
I'd like to host a networking event for students. How do I get started?
To sponsor an event in your town and/or participate in Center for Career Exploration programs, please contact Johanna Hussey, Assistant Director, Engagement Programs in the Office of Alumni Relations.
Do BrownConnect and Handshake work together? How?
Yes. Your profile in Handshake will feed directly into BrownConnect for a more personalized internship and search experience. BrownConnect internship recommendations for undergraduates come directly from your Handshake profile.
BrownConnect is the tool to use to find undergraduate internship opportunities and funding and to find and connect with alumni. Use Handshake to apply for jobs, see relevant career articles, sign up for events and workshops, schedule a meeting with a counselor, and access the on-campus recruiting program. Both are important tools to use together.
What do students find searching BrownConnect?
- The BrownConnect internship and research opportunity bank includes: Special Bruno internships that are supplied by Brown alumni and parents for Brown students, and other signature internship programs that are designed for Brown students
- Internship opportunities offered through formal programs at for-profit, not-for-profit and public sector organizations in the United States and abroad
- Internship opportunities that are supported by various Brown departments, centers and programs at Brown
- Research opportunities offered by Brown faculty, funded through the UTRA program and other sources
- Funding opportunities available to support low-paying or unpaid internship and research experiences
- Brown alumni that have experience and/or currently work in the city, professional field, or organization they are searching
What is a Bruno internship and what distinguishes it from others posted on the BrownConnect search tool?
Bruno internships are quality opportunities provided by Brown alumni and parents who have a special interest in helping Brown students. These internships will offer students an opportunity to leverage their Brown connection and an added advantage in the recruiting/hiring process. The Bruno internships will be tagged with the Brown shield to distinguish the position as one or more of the following:
- Exclusive to Brown students
- The position is provided by an alumnus/a, and/or parent of Brown
- Preference is given to a Brown applicant; preference means two or more Brown candidates must be in the final interview process
- A signature program created by Brown community (alumni, parents, staff and/or faculty) specifically for Brown students
What is a Bruno Signature program?
These are multiple opportunities within a designed program that are exclusive to Brown students. The opportunities can be provided by alumni and/or parents of Brown student, or by a Brown University department. These will also be tagged as Bruno opportunities. Visit the signature programs page for more information.
- What is BrownConnect?
- Why BrownConnect?
- Who oversees BrownConnect?
- I'm having trouble logging in. Who can help me?
- How can I get involved?
- How can I help Brown undergrads?
- How can I help both alumni and students?
Offering Internships
- What kinds of internships can I offer on BrownConnect?
- When is the best time of year to post opportunities?
- Can I post unpaid internships?
- Can I post more than one internship?
- What if I don't get any response to my internship posting?
- If I need help developing my internship, who do I contact?
Especially for Alumni
- How do I contact alumni through BrownConnect?
- How do I update my old career information that is displayed in BrownConnect?
- Can't BrownConnect just pull my work history from LinkedIn?
- How does Brown safeguard the privacy of my information?
- I'd like to host a networking event for students. How do I get started?